Book Sandeep Nath to Speak Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Contact Number (if on Whatsapp, please type W after the number) *eg: +91-9650028085 WOrganization Name & Website *eg: Wellness Seekers Academy, wellnessseekersacademy.comType of SessionTalk (1 hour or so)Workshop (4 hours or so)Training (half day or more)Offsite (interaction outside office)Coaching (group or individual)Please choose the best-fit option so we have a broad ideaSession deliveryLive on stageVirtualHybridIf Hybrid, please also check off the primary mode – in venue or on computerStated Objective of the SessionWhy are you doing this? What is to be achieved – broadly?Session TopicAnything you have discussed with Sandeep, or have in mind; eg: Habits for HappinessDate of the SessionPlease specify if fixed, or indicate a broad rangeDesignated time of the SessionThis is a o’clock thing, not the session durationReason for that time?It could be during a conference or a standalone when the CEO comes to town… whatever… you know!What's homogeneous in the audience?What binds them? Same company? Same department? Same experience? Beliefs?Department/s (if not mixed group)This is to help understand who Sandeep will be addressingAttendee nationalities (& country-wise breakup)This is to help understand who Sandeep will be addressingAudience age-group/sUnder 2222 to 3535 to 55Over 55You may check off multiple choices to cover the majority of attendeesAudience sizeLess than 15 people15 to 50 people50 to 200 peopleOver 200 peopleLanguage preferredEnglishHindiHinglish mixSpanish-English mixAttendee mixMostly menMostly womenEqually mixedMixed with more menMixed with more womenWhy are they attending the Session?What’s on their mind? What’s motivating them?What is their familiarity level with the topic?High, Low, medium, or get creative, or specific 😀What is the desired transformation / output?eg: They need to learn how to be happy at any moment, no matter what happensWhat 1-thing would indicate Session Success?eg: There was a buzz about ‘happiness on tap’What does the organization expect attendees to do post-session?eg: Cultivate happiness habits that we can measureWhat immediate response will thrill the organizer?eg: At least 2 people come to me and say ‘I got it’ 😁Submit